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Big Summer News

Vision3's Invisible Ocean and Wales Millennium Centre

Vision3 connects visitors with the world's Oceans

Vision3's wins award of excellence for Interior Display

Vision3's jellyfish wins exhibitor's award

Drop in the Ocean goes live at Cal Academy

My Africa wins Shorty Award

Drop in the Ocean at Jackson Wild

Pan Featurette released featuring Chris Parks

BFI Interview of Chris Parks

Chris Parks Interviewed by Market Saw on 3D

How Chris Parks's 3D serves the story on Gravity


Drop in the Ocean exhibited at The World Bank

Fantastic to be invited by Jimmy Vainstein to be part of The World Bank day dedicated to reimagining a positive future beyond plastic waste.

Thanks again for inviting Drop in the Ocean to the festivities!

See their post on LinkedIn  

Join orcas in augmented reality for Ocean Week!

“Critical Distance” immerses visitors in a holographic orca pod and allows them to witness the challenges faced by this endangered species. This social augmented reality (AR) experience highlights a pod of 24 endangered Southern Resident orcas living in the Pacific Ocean’s Salish Sea. See firsthand how the orcas, including six-year-old Kiki, must overcome obstacles created by humans to effectively hunt for food — and, ultimately, survive.

See more here!

Critical Distance coming to Canada

Vision3's Augmented Reality Experience, 'Critical Distance' will be at The Canadian Museum of Nature from June 2nd to June 9th.

More to follow!

To visit the site and buy tickets click here.

The Blue Paradox, featuring Chris Parks' fluids imagery, coming to Chicago

TheBlueParadox illuminates the devastating impact of plastic waste on our ocean and its ecosystems, emphasizing the urgent need for action.

By showcasing the power of collective action, this exhibit will serve as a catalyst for change by empowering all of us with knowledge and practical strategies to reduce plastic waste to help foster a more sustainable future.

Together, we can turn the tide on plastic pollution! Learn more!

Vision3 Produced and Directed film for BMW released

Filmed earlier this year in the stunning Snowdonia National Park - this piece for BMW Group and Media.Monks shows the importance of protecting the little things to create a big impact in nature

Brilliant work from Chris Parks, Robert Hollingworth, Dan Bernstein, Jessica Glaus, Tim Cockerill, and an amazing crew!

See the film here!

Critical Distance and Drop in the Ocean coming to the UK

After four years of being featured globally in venues that include the Smithsonian American Museum of Natural History in Washington and and at COP27, these two experiences are finally coming to the UK as part of Vision3's Invisible Ocean installation at Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff. See you under the ocean!

Vision3's Chris Parks creates visuals for Poor Things

The now Oscar winning production designer Shona Heath, approached Chris in 2021 for visuals for Poor Things. Chris drew on his vast archive to provide the production with several hours of footage which was used extensively through the film for the fantastical skies and for the chapter markers.

Postcard from Earth opens at the Las Vegas Sphere

Chris and team spent almost a year building new optics and control systems to enable them to shoot some of the extreme closeup sequences for Darren Aronofsky's Postcard from Earth - the launch film for the Las Vegas Sphere.

Chris shot both is signature fluid effects and extreme closeup material of paramecium, volvox and other single celled organisms.

Our TheraVR mental health trial at Cambridge University completes today

Data collection for Thera-VR, our innovative mental health solution, wraps up today!

Stay tuned for scientific evidence that will redefine mental healthcare 

Many thanks to Innovate UK, wonderful participants and our amazing team!

Vision3 and Drop in the Ocean at AWE

AMAZING Day 1 at AWE expo.

Starting off with Ashlan Cousteau talking with Unity‘s John Riccitiello on how vr projects like Drop In The Ocean can drive audiences to social change.

The day continued, sharing Dropintheocean with new audiences here in the Playground, meeting some incredible people, and hearing some really inspiring responses.


Adam May talks Ocean Health ahead of Drop In The Ocean

Across the globe, there are numbers telling us difficult truths. At Vulcan, we take these "data points" and use them to motivate our work in ocean health, climate science, conservation and communities.

Chris talks about the 3D in Jupiter Ascending

The stereo supervisor, Chris Parks, explains how he approached the 3D for Jupiter Ascending in this featurette that was shown in theatres ahead of the films release.

Adam May talks to the Advanced Imaging Society about his 3D work.

Jim Chabin of the Advanced Imaging Society talks with Adam May, Head of Production at Vision3, about his work on upcoming Ron Howard film, The Heart of The Sea as well as his work on Pan, Gravity, Edge of Tomorrow and more.

Adam May chairs session at 3D Creative Summit

Adrian Wootton, Creative Skillset's Dan Simmons, and Vision3's  Adam May discuss the UK's role at the centre of 3D film production of Hollywood Blockbusters and what this means for British Indies.

Chris Parks talks about the techniques used on Gravity

Stereo Supervisor and winner of the I3DS Award for Best Stereography Chris Parks, delivers the one of the Summit's big highlights as he shares his exclusive processes and thoughtS on using 3D in Gravity to such an breath taking effect.

Adam May talks 3D

FILMCLUB reporter Tanvi speaks to Vision 3's Adam May - the chap who provided Horrid Henry, John Carter and the upcoming Jack The Giant Killer with their breathtaking 3D effects. Most prestigiously of all - he was the judge of our Olympics filmmaking competition!

Chris Parks at 3D Storytelling 2012

Taking an honest and open look at recent 3D successes and disappointments, the UK's leading Stereo Supervisor Chris Parks discusses the steps we need to take to make 3D a rewarding and lasting evolution of entertainment.