Director Ballie Walsh pushed the boundaries once more with his regular collaborator Kate Moss, in this stunning and unforgettable abstract 3D piece

Filmed by renowned Cinematographer John Matthesion, the short film created for anOther Magazine seamlessly blends high speed digital photography, VFX and innovative stereography - to produce a piece that Vision3 often turns to as perfect example to demonstrate dynamic 3D can be.

Melissa Byers and Angus Cameronworked closely with Ballie Walsh to explore the extremes of negative parallax 3D - drawing diamonds far off the screen toward the audience. The piece was filmed on Phantom Cameras in stereo at 1000fps and careful planning & execution allowed ample time for the viewers eyes in adjust with the controlled forward movement, as fragments of glass to exceed far beyond a typical distance in an amazing climax.

Ballie Walsh

Director of Photography
John Mathieson

Melissa Byers

Post Stereographer
Angus Cameron